Poetry by Tanya Castro
In the eye, jealousy lives with spirits that awaken with near purity.
They say, a person has the capacity to harvest harm, illness, and even death with just one look.
When I was a baby someone stared at me with adoration.
I cried for no reason for days after that, and no one knew what was wrong with me.
My parents don’t believe in witches.
They took me to a bruja who took an egg and chanted as the egg floated above my body.
The bruja cleansed el mal de ojo.
After, the egg cracks rotten.
An egg rid me of evil.
They say, a person has the capacity to be damned.
Tanya Castro is a writer from Oakland, California. She holds an MFA in Poetry from Saint Mary’s College of California. Tanya’s work was nominated for Best of the Net 2021. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Acentos Review, Anser Journal, FEED Lit Mag, Lost Balloon and Mason Jar Press.
Image by Elia Pellegrini